Watchman Monitoring is sponsoring MacIT Conference in 2015.
We expect you’ll get more than just food. You’ll also hear from two subscribers who have turned Watchman Monitoring into a profit center for their businesses.
We’ll review how one Managed Service Provider uses the Contact Menu to keep their brand in front of their end users, lowering their cost with automated issue detection, and increasing their support offering’s uptake.
We’ll also hear how Watchman Monitoring has helped an Army-of-One IT consultant get started with recurring revenue while retaining existing clients in their break/fix model.
Please come join us, learn what’s new in Mac IT, and see how Watchman Monitoring can help you provide even better support for your end users, and increase your bottom line.
Click here to sign up for news and information
Curious what Watchman Monitoring is all about?
Here is our founder, Allen Hancock, giving a 15 minute overview of the service at Aces Conference.